Saturday, August 27, 2011

Spiritual Exercise 1

Today, my exercise for you is to forgive and to release. I challenge you to make a list of people that either have wronged you and you have been holding bitterness towards them and to forgive them. Write them notes, but them lunches, meet wit them, and fix those relationships. And if there is someone that you have wronged or that you know is upset with you, go to them and sacrifice yourself, amend those relationships.

This reminds me of the TV show called, "My name is Earl." In it a man named Earl realizes he needs to make amends for everyone he has wronged or has a grudge against him. So he makes a list and goes through, one by one, making amends. It's a pretty funny show, but what he is doing is actually very biblical, now the way he goes about doing it sometimes isn't too Biblical.

So make a list, and make amends.

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