Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spiritual Exercise 2

Today's exercise is going to be very simple. Figure out what activity or hobby that gives you the most joy and energy in life. It could be shopping or fishing or taking a nice walk outside. The activity could be playing video games,  watching a movie, scrapbooking, or even reading a good novel. Whatever it is, figure out what brings you the most joy and gives you the most energy in life. After you have figured that out, carve time out of every week to spend doing that activity. This requires that you make sure you are disciplined throughout the rest of the week to get done what you need to get done. But try to make time once a week, perhaps every sunday, to do this activity. We all need time to rest and to do the activities that we enjoy and that energize us. This is what part of having a Sabbath looks like.


Find your activity

Make time to do it weekly.

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